Friday, June 27, 2008

Welcome to Gelli Primary School

Mr. Graham Dunn, our Chair of Governors, welcomes Mr. Marc Hughes to Gelli Primary School. Mr. Hughes joined the staff today to participate in our annual self evaluation day. The staff analysed the school performance data in order that the areas for development that were identified can be formulated into next year's school development plan. "We are delighted that Mr Hughes has been able to participate in this process. It will help him to get to know the staff and the workings of the school in readiness for taking up his role with us in September. On behalf of the Governing body I wish him every success in his new role." said Mr. Dunn.
The staff divided into two teams, one led by Mr. Jones, the other by Mrs. O'Gorman. They systematically went through a model self evaluation questionnaire constructed by the Atlantes Inspection team to evaluate the school's current eprformance against the seven key questions which ESTYN use to inspect schools. Thanks to all staff members who were involved.

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