Thursday, June 23, 2011

Business success for Gelli Dragons - Rhondda Leader article

by Carys Jones, Rhondda Leader
BUDDING Bransons and aspiring Alan Sugars pitted their entrepreneurial skills at Gelli Primary School’s enterprise week.
Each class at the school was handed a business grant of £30 and were challenged to turn it in to as much profit as possible in the week-long Apprentice-style competition.
Headteacher, David Cynan Jones, said: “During our successful Estyn inspection in the summer term last year, one of the recommendations made by the inspection team was that we further develop the pupils’ entrepreneurial skills and introduce them to the concept of how to set up their own business.
“The challenge is an ideal way of introducing the pupils to the concept of establishing a class mini enterprise with the added incentive that the pupils can keep the profit they make from their efforts to purchase resources to improve their classroom.”
As part of the event, pupils enjoyed developing their understanding of how to research their product, cost out any outgoings and balance them against other outlays.
To get the competition off the ground, parents placed pre-orders or donated cash to support their child’s class. The school was then open on the Friday afternoon for a mini fete so that the parents and the local community could see what goods were up for sale.
Among the items for sale at the innovative youngsters’ stalls were handmade cards, key rings, hanging baskets, bird feeders, jewellery and cookies.
Bright sparks in the Reception class even took the initiative to use their start-up grant to buy their own chicken and sell its eggs.
As well as keeping the money made, the class which made the most profit had their total matched by two local entrepreneurs, Neil Gimson, of NRG Heating & Plumbing, and Carl Morecroft, of UPVC Direct.”
The winning class – who took the title of Gelli Dragons – was Year 3 Dosbarth 5, who raised £264.70 selling key rings, face painting and tattoos.
Year 5 Dosbarth 7 were named runners up, with £258.34 made by selling bird feeders and holding a bring and buy sale.
Each class managed to triple their £30 starting cost and the whole school collected £1,671.84.
The pupils now plan to invest the money in new basketball posts for the playground, with the winning class being given the match funding as a special prize.
Delighted with the event’s success, Mr Jones added: “I would like to thank the staff and pupils for their hard work during the week, to our parents and their extended family for their continued support and for our local business partners for their financial support.”
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Planned Industrial action by members of the NUT and ATL

As you will be aware from the media, colleagues in NUT and ATL will be taking industrial action on the Thursday 30th June 2011. The action (a one day strike) will result in class or whole school closures across the country. I have been informed by members of staff at this school that they intend to take strike action on that day and consequently there will be no school for children. School will open as usual on Friday 1st July 2011. The decision to close the school or send pupils home is never taken lightly, but in this instance, where staff have elected to take lawful industrial action, I will have no choice but to take appropriate steps to ensure the health, safety and well being of all pupils.
We are aware that school closures inconvenience parents and carers and so I am writing to give you advance notice of the likely impact of the action on this school.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Arrangements for school on Friday June 24th

If your child is not going on the school trip to Drayton Manor Park it is expected that your child will be in school. If your child is not present the absence will be unauthorised unless we have a letter of explanation. There will be members of staff in school to supervise all pupils and the School Cook has requested that I notify her how many pupils will require a school lunch that day.
Code of Conduct for the Drayton Manor Trip
Running a trip of this magnitude requires a great deal of co-operation on your behalf. I hope you will read the following agreement and sign it and respect the Learner Traveller Code which is an important part of our behaviour policy. The staff have arranged the trip so that everything should go without a hitch. Here are a few things that we will insist upon for the smooth running of the trip. Please take time to read them and bring them with you on the coach.
1. Will parents please remember that you have been allocated places on a specific bus and under no circumstances will they be allowed to change these arrangements.
2. Please refrain from smoking in front of the children either on the bus or at services stops or in the park.
3. The consumption of alcohol is also strictly forbidden in front of the children. If parents are suspected of arriving on the bus under the influence of alcohol we are duty bound to inform the police under Child Protection procedures. This also applies to any other form of anti social behaviour.
4. Please will everyone be punctual and meet at the agreed time and place. The staff will undertake frequent “head counts” to establish that everyone in the party is present before moving on. Mr C Jones will be taking the school iPad so he can contact everyone through our text2parents service. You will also be given the school mobile number to contact a member of staff if needed or in the case of any emergency. You will receive several messages throughout the day reminding you of the departure arrangements.
5. Politeness and respect on the bus is vital. We will ask everyone to stay in your seat for the whole journey; please do not block the aisle with your bag or other belongings; Always wear a seatbelt if one is provided; Please do not distract the driver when he or she is driving. Please will you refrain from eating or drinking on the bus.
6. There will be a senior member of staff available in school. A text message will be sent to all parents about a half hour before the coaches arrive at school.
7. Junior pupils will be limited to a maximum of £10 spending money. May I remind parents that staff are NOT responsible for pupils money and if they bring over the suggested amount it is done at their own risk. For pupils accompanied by adults you can set your own budget limit.
8. Please will Junior children NOT bring mobile telephones or any other portable electronic devices such as Nintendo DS, iPods or MP3 players. The school is not responsible for these if lost or broken.
9. Please can you make sure that your child’s name is put on items of clothing and bags. Again the school is not responsible for any clothing lost or left in Drayton Manor or on the bus.
I am sure that if we follow these guidelines the trip will be a very enjoyable and successful experience for all.
A bus list and final details of the itinerary will be distributed after school by pupil post tomorrow.
Please will all pupils and parents be in school at 7.45 a.m. to register. The Buses will leave at 8 00 a.m. sharp as we will be unable to wait for any latecomers.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Enterprise week at Gelli Primary

This week is enterprise week where each class will be given £30 to start their enterprise. At the end of the week the class who have made the most profit will be crowned the Gelli Dragons.
Today every class made their "pitch" to each other in the hall. Check out what's on offer.
Class 1 Dosbarth 1 Nursery
Class 2 Dosbarth 2 Reception

Class 3 Dosbarth 3 Year 1

Class 4 Dosbarth 4 Year 2 part one and two
Class 5 Dosbarth 5 Year 3
Class 6 Dosbarth 6 Year 4
Class 7 Dosbarth 7 Year 5 Parts One, Two and Three
Class 8 Dosbarth 8 Year 6