Sunday, April 27, 2008

Safety outside the school and in the car park.

Earlier this year I asked parents not to use the school drive as a footpath as cars entering the school will be unaware that pedestrians are using this and accidents are likely to occur. I understand that this may be inconvenient to some of you, especially those who live down the valley. BUT ….. several parents and grand parents insist on ignoring this request. I have been required to undertake a risk assessment of the car park and school surroundings by the LEA and I regard this as a significant risk. I have reminded the children in assembly that this is dangerous and their safety is at risk. They have promised to obey this rule and I now ask you as parents, grand parents and carers to help me. On Friday I went out to the car park and monitored this and was very pleased that the children took the lead and asked you to make the long walk along the path. In addition, I was very pleased to hear the views of some parents. They informed me that there are several other issues that we may need to address.
There is illegal parking on double yellow lines and pavements outside the school. This is adding to the risk of accidents.

Some parents are parking pushchairs and buggies outside the nursery and year 1 exit and making it difficult for parents to pass to collect the Year 2 and Junior children. Please can I ask parents with buggies to be more tolerant and make room for parents to pass to collect their children from the main entranceAt Gelli Primary we have tried to address the problem of collecting children from school by changing the end of the school day for Junior children to coincide with that of the infants. We also have an enclosed area where it is possible for parents to meet children safely outside the school gates. One solution is that I lock the front gates which may solve one problem but create others. Can I remind you that the children’s safety is paramount! I would appreciate your co-operation in this matter.

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