Thursday, January 28, 2016

National School Categorisation 2016

I am pleased to announce that following a rigorous process Gelli Primary School has been categorised as a YELLOW SCHOOL once again. This has been achieved through a process of collaboration with the CSCJES Challenge Adviser and support from the Literacy and Numeracy team who have worked with staff and governors to raise aspirations and standards following last year's announcement.
Details of the announcement can be found on the Welsh Assembly Government website by following this link.
There is also a press release from the Central South Consortium on their website and details of the individual schools on the My Local School website.
I hope that you will appreciate that this has been achieved through a great deal of hard work and dedication from the staff and fully supported by the Governing Body. Your contribution as parents to raising awareness of contributing factors such as improved attendance and supporting your child with work at home is appreciated and leads to significant improvement.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rhondda Leader Photographs

The Rhondda Leader photographer will be in school on Monday 8th February at 9.15 a.m. to take a group photograph of your child's class in St David's Day costume.
Pupils are invited to wear either National costume for the girls or any red article of clothing. The boys may wish to wear Welsh Rugby or Football kit or any red article of clothing.
Pupils who do not wish to participate in the photograph will wear school uniform as normal.
The photographs will appear in the editions of the newspaper around March 1st.
Prints from photographs will be available direct from the photographer as usual.
Further details will be posted on the blog around the time of publication.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

School Gate Surgery Monday 18th January 2016

Term-time holidays victory claimed by campaigners in Wales

Many of you will have read the article on the BBC Website regarding a letter sent by Education Minister to Councils regarding the fines for taking holidays in term time. I am waiting on advice from the Local Authority on how they wish to proceed with this policy in light of this letter. Once I have any information to hand I will update you. Until then we can assume that the policy is still in place and the procedures are the same.