Friday, December 13, 2013

End of term arrangements for the Junior pupils

The staff have asked me to write to parents to clarify the arrangements for the end of term arrangements.

Monday 16th December
Pupils will be rehearsing at the Chapel during the day. They will return to school at lunchtime and at the end of the school day. There will be no need for any additional arrangements to be made.

Tuesday 17th December
Concert arrangements
Mrs Johnson has suggested that all pupils who are in the choir wear the BLACK CLOTHING required for the performance to school in the morning to avoid changing. As you know we don’t ask parents to buy specific clothing for any school event any black shirt / T shirt will be acceptable, however, we will ask you not to display any prominent logos or words on them.
Those pupils who are wearing white costumes will need to wear school uniform and change for the afternoon. They can wear costumes to and from the Chapel at the evening performance.
Pupils are expected to attend BOTH concerts and should be in the Chapel by 5.40 p.m. for the evening performance at the latest. Pupils will be expected to be collected from the Chapel unless you give prior consent for them to walk home.
We will, unfortunately, be unable to accommodate any babies or toddlers as there will be no room for them to sit on laps during the concert or for any prams, pushchairs and buggies. I would appreciate your co-oporation in this matter.

Wednesday 18th December
School uniform is not needed today. There has been a suggestion that if pupils would like to wear a Christmas Jumper and bring in a small donation to charity the School Council will organise a contest to see which class has the best selection of jumpers. In addition pupils can bring in toys and games to play. Please can we not have expensive electronic games, mobile phones or any electronic device that need connection to the Internet. The school cannot provide this and parents are reminded that the school cannot accept any liability for loss or damage to these items.

Thursday 19th December
Pupils can bring in toys for the morning session as per yesterday’s arrangements. During the afternoon the pupils will be having their class parties and enjoying games and other activities in the hall. Pupils can wear party clothes to school if required.

Friday 20th December 2013, Monday 6th January 2014 and Tuesday 7th January 2014 are Staff In-Service training days and school will be closed for all pupils. School recommences for the Spring term on Wednesday 8th January 2014. The one remaining INSET day is an LA designated day on Monday 21st July 2014.

Please will all parents pay any outstanding balances on dinner money and ensure that all clothing and bags are taken home and not left in the cloakrooms.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity in sending in so many cards and presents, it is appreciated. On behalf of the staff and Governors may I wish you a peaceful Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Dinner 11th December 2013

Mrs Edwards and the Catering Staff will be preparing our special Christmas Dinner on WEDNESDAY 11th DECEMBER this year. If your child would like to participate in this event please will you order and pay for the dinner on the Monday as usual.