The Rhondda Leader photographer visited school last week to take the children's photographs in their Welsh Costumes. The class photographs are due to appear in a special St David's Day pull out in the next few weeks. Here is a copy of the letter sent to head teachers requesting orders from parents
Mrs. M Gunton
5 Bryn terrace,
Dear Head teacher,
Please find enclosed as promised this years, St David's Day Pictures.
Once again prices are a highly competitive, £6.00 for an 8x6, colour photograph, presented in an attractive folder.
The school can once again retain 10% of all money raised at the school, as a good will gesture to the school.
In your letter home to parents, could you please inform the parents the pictures are on sale, as a large number of people contact us each year, wondering where they can purchase pictures.
Please send your order along with a cheque, made payable to M GUNTON, to the above address.
If you have any questions regarding your St David's pictures, please contact M Gunton on 01443 733277.
Once again could I take this opportunity of thanking the school for their continued support.
Yours Sincerely
M Gunton