Monday, June 29, 2015

Information regarding activities this week

School uniform during warm weather
During the next couple of days the weather is due to be exceptional for this time of the year. Please can you ensure that you send suitable clothing, hats and sun screen f the pupils to put on at break and lunch time. May I remind you that if pupils intend to wear short during the hot weather our school uniform agreement states that only black, navy, blue or white shorts are encouraged. Bermuda style multi-coloured shorts that are more suitable for the beach are not permitted as are short T shirts and other such clothing. As usual, your co-operation will be appreciated.

Clothing and other lost property
We are receiving a great number of enquiries about lost or mislaid clothing. There are a large amount of jumpers, cardigans, T shirts and coats in the cloak rooms. On examination the most of these are unmarked and have no individual identifying marks on them. In addition there have been instances where coats with logos such as Superdry have gone missing. May I ask you to examine any coat that has been brought home recently to check that it does belong to you and if it has been taken by mistake you can return them and be relocated with the ones that we have in school.

May I remind you that our policy clearly states that we do not accept hair styles which are inappropriate. This includes stripes, tram lines, highlights, unsuitable colours and Mohican styles. It clearly states in our prospectus and other school documents that if a pupil presents himself in school with such a hair style the Governing Body will support the Head teacher in upholding standards by requesting that the hairstyle be altered so that it falls in line with our expectation. Our policy, which is in line with our cluster Primary and Comprehensive schools will be to suspend any pupil until his hair is returned to an appropriate fashion should you not agree with us. May I also remind you that our home school agreement which states that parents agree to uphold the school rules and do everything to resolve any issues with the school.

Dinner Money
Can I remind parents that the school and Local Authority policy states that meals are to be paid for on a Monday morning, in advance.  This policy is clearly set out in our school literature and regularly mentioned in school newsletters. Money brought in to school should be put in a sealed envelope (which are freely available from the school office) with the child’s name, class, purpose and amount clearly marked on the front. These envelopes are then collected by staff and transferred to our school secretary for processing. Money is registered on the school electronic recording system for accounting purposes. I have instructed Breakfast Club staff not to receive any money from pupils or parents when they are being dropped off but placed in the safe deposit box by the serving hatch. When this policy and procedure is followed it works well but there have been recent instances where parents claim that money has been paid but our accounting procedures cannot verify this. As usual, your co-operation will be appreciated.

Leaver’s Ball
Mrs Sims would appreciate that any remaining contributions to the Leaver’s Ball be paid to school as soon as possible.
May I remind parents that the Leaver’s Ball is primarily for our Year 6 pupils but it is also an end of Year Disco for the whole school and parents to attend. This year it will take place on Wednesday 1st July at the Ton Pentre Football Club from 6.00 p.m. until 9.00. p.m.  This disco is open to ALL PUPILS. Children from Nursery through to Year 4 MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult (18+).  During the evening, the presentations will be made to the Year 6 pupils who will leave to join their Comprehensive schools in September. Please will you ensure that your child remains in the main hall at all times. Come along and help us give them a good “Gelli Primary” send off!!  Entry is £1 per child. Hotdogs will be available on the night.

The Ned Show
“The Ned Show” recently visited us The NED Show is the most popular assembly programme in the United Kingdom. They also perform in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and even for special events at the White House. Nearly 2.5 million children will see The NED Show this year! Their goal in partnering with schools is to help improve pupil behaviour, enrich instructional time, increase academic achievement and enhance the overall school climate.
Our agreement with the Ned Show organisers is that we receive the show free of charge, (it would normally cost £1000) and in return we have agreed to make some merchandise available that they will use in the show for purchase. May I say that we are not obligated to sell on the company’s behalf only to make it available and we should you feel that you do not want to support the school in this venture you are not obligated to do so. The company have produced a parent’s letter which will be sent to pupils and parents which we will send home later this week. You can also visit the website at

Please contact the customer helpline for any queries in terms of the yoyos or any other merchandise.

Details of other end of term activities will be distributed by pupil post, text to parents or advertised on our social media pages.

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