Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A Big Thank You from us all at Gelli Primary
May I on behalf of the staff and governors thank you for all your co-operation during the year. It has been a very eventful term with some great highlights. Please take time to browse our site to view some of the activities that the staff and children have undertaken. May I also thank you for all the cards and presents given to us this year. We are all well aware of the current economic climate and these gifts at this time have been very much appreciated. Year 5 have been writing poetry with Mr. Jones. They used the japanese form of poetry called haiku. Each haiku is made up of three lines. The first line has five syllables, the second seven and the third five. Haiku can be used very effectively to describe events such as the Nativity story. I challenged them to retell the Christmas story using haiku. They used Photo Story 3 to make a video of their work and collected images to illustrate the story, recorded their voices and added music at the end when they put their photographs on as a trailer. This was used in our Christmas assembly last Friday. This is a wonderful way of celebrting the true meaning of Christmas.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We will return to school on TUESDAY JANUARY 6th 2009 for the new term.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Eco Schools Yellow Woods Challenge

Collecting old Yellow Pages directories
Children should only collect old directories from home and from people they know, with your permission. Please ask your family, friends, work mates and community groups to help our school by donating their old directories, too.
We need to collect the old Yellow Pages directories as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the competition and our involvement, please ask at the school.
For detailed information about the Yellow Woods Challenge, take a look at the Parents’ Pages on http://www.yellow-woods.co.uk/ or write to: Public Relations, Yell, Queens Walk, Oxford Road, Reading, RG1 7PT.
Dinner Money

The Local Education Authority is introducing a new dinner money collection system in the new year. ALL DINNER MONEY FOR THE WEEK WILL NEED TO BE PAID IN ADVANCE ON MONDAYS. I realise that this may prove inconvenient for some, but due to the complexities of the system Mrs. Thomas will need to input the information and balance the money on her computer each Monday. Your co-operation will be gratefully appreciated.
House Point Cup Winnners

This term’s house point initiative has been very successful. Each house has been successful in wining the weekly rounds. Here are the total points scored by each house during the term – OWAIN – 1838; GWENLLIAN – 1644; CARADOG – 1389; BUDDUG – 1246. Well done everybody. The winning house wins two weeks off school; there is also three runners up prizes of a fortnight off schools as well.
Eco Schools Mobile Phone Recycling

Thank you, goodbye and good luck Mrs. Davies

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Gelli Pupils take on Formula 1 challennge

Year Six pupils have spent months designing and building their own mini F1 racer ready for a national competition.
They went head to head against 24 schools from across the country today in the Welsh final of the F1 in Primary Schools competition.
If successful, the pupils will enter the UK-wide finals in Birmingham in January to compete for a place in the world final held in Malaysia next summer.
Mrs. Fraser, our Design and Technology subject leader, who is helping the children with the project, said: “They have learnt a lot of different things. Not only have they learnt valuable new ICT skills, such as using computer-aided design (CAD) to design the cars, they have also learned how to be part of team, working together and running and managing a successful business.”
Year Six pupils formed a team of seven children taking part in the project. Lucy and Holly were the Team Mangers, Alicia, Shauna and Gemma the Designers and Rebecca and Jack the Computer Designers. The team is called the Rhondda Rollerz.
Mrs. Fraser added: “The children have spent most lunchtimes working on the car for the last month and a half. They’ve also stayed behind after school a couple of times a week, so it’s been a huge effort. This is the first time the competition has been run for primary schools and I’m lucky to be working with some really bright pupils."

Cars will race against each other and the pupils will also be judged on a presentation they give to the judges at the finals. You can see more on our website by clicking on the school website site map and clicking on the F1 in Schools link
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Art Gallery at Gelli Primary
Today we held an art exhibition in our school hall.
Thanks to all the children for contributing their work; to the staff for their patience while the work was being undertaken; to Mrs. Davies, our subject leader for art for organising the event; to Mr. Russell for his ideas, framing the exhibits and displaying them. Thank you parents, grans, grandads and family members for your support. Your attendance made the event very special for the children. I am very proud to say that we have some very talented artists in Gelli. Well done everybody. llongyfarchiadau bawb.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wales v Canada
It has become a tradition for pupils at Gelli Primary School to visit the Millennium Stadium to watch the autumn international fixture between Wales and Canada. Ten staff members and 42 pupils left Gelli at 5. p.m. We walked through the crowd arm in arm to our seats. We sang Cwm Rhondda and Delilah with the crowd, cheered the Welsh team and even did a Mexican wave when the game was stopped for an injury. We had a great time and represented the school with pride. We got home at about 10.40 p.m. tired but having seen our country win.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Infant department visit Father Christmas

This week the Early years and Key Stage 1 children will make their annual visit to see Father Christmas. This year Santa has come to the Rhondda Heritage Park museum and our Nursery and Reception children will visit him on Thursday 27th with Year 1 and 2 visiting him a day later on Friday 28th. You will already have received a letter from your class teacher giving you details of the itinerary and the cost of the trip. Please will you make sure that payment for the trip is received as soon as possible.
Come to our Art Exhibition on Tuesday 25th November

The children have produced some stunning art and we know you will be proud when you see their beautiful pictures professionally framed and mounted on display stands.
The Visual Arts play a big part in the life of the school and is an area that every child can enjoy and play a full part in. The Art Curriculum encourages display, so having their art framed and displayed will be a big occasion for them. Someone special to show it to will add a lovely finishing touch for them so make a space in your diary for this special event!
These original framed works of art can be purchased by the artist’s family for £6 each.
If you would like to purchase your child’s picture but cannot come to the exhibition, just send the money in an envelope and we will look after delivery.
The exhibition will not be an annual event, so do come along, bring your camera, bring family and friends and with your help we can make it an occasion to remember for everyone.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Armistice day Commemoration

Gelli Primary supports Children in Need

Updates to websites and blogs

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Gelli Primary receives second Healthy Schools award

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Gelli Primary to go Pink on Friday

As we are on our half term holiday then, we will be dressing up on this coming Friday 24th October. Children will be undertaking some activities during the day. Some of the activities can be seen on the "wear it pink website" at www.wearitpink.co.uk/
We will be taking loads of photographs during the day and class activities will be posted on the class blogs.
Help us to raise money for those who re less fortunate than us if you Dare to wear pink on Friday 24th October.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New menus launched by our Catering Staff

Sunday, October 12, 2008
School Council visit to the Welsh Assembly

We were also met by our Assembly member Mr. Leighton Andrews who talked to the children and agreed to come to school to participate in a school council meeting when his busy schedule allows. Check out the School Council page and the School Council blog for more details.
Newsletters update

Congratulations Mrs. O'Gorman

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Web site disaster

Thursday, August 28, 2008
School Reopens on Tuesday 2nd September

We will welcome our new Deputy head teacher Mr. Hughes who takes up his appointment. Mr. Hughes will teach in Year 6. We will also welcome back Miss Rachel Jenkins who will succeed Mrs. Dunn as our Language Support Teacher.
Due to technical problems the School Website is temporarily unavailable and cannot being updated. I hope to resolve this situation very soon. The content remains the same as last term.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Good luck and Goodbye Year 6
To borrow a “Big Brotherism” as we evict them from Gelli Primary here are their “BEST BITS.”Click on the video below to see if you agree.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Leaver's Assembly and Award Winners
The recipients this year were -
Sports Personality of the Year - Tom Dunning, Liftime Award - Stacey Symons, Achievement Award - Megan Atkin and the "Star of the Year" - Josh Wilson.
Congratulations Llongyfarchiadau.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Congratulations Mrs. Date

On Monday 14th July Mrs. Date was presented with a certificate for completing the accreditation for the course at a presentation in the Conservatory at the Rhondda Heritage Park Hotel. She is pictured here receiving her certificate from Richard Edwards, the Education Psychology Service and Gaynor Cynan Jones Senior Co-ordinator Learning Support Service.
More Ball News
Monday, July 14, 2008
Year Six Leaver's Ball
See which local celebs were on the A list by clicking on the video below.
We also had plenty of other guests - click here to see who guest list
Our School Walk
We joined Mr. Mrs Rickards on their walk around the partnership schools with Mbale. Despite the weather we walked to Ton Pentre Junior School through Pentre and back to school. On the way we asked passers by to contribute to the Mbale fund. If you would like to donate any money please contct the school on 01443 435311 or Phil and Kath Rickards on 01443 480830 or e-mail at phil.rickards@virgin.net
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Money that will be raised through sposnorship and donations will be used to improve educational needs in Mbale.

Please support the partnership between Gelli and Africa to assist those who are less fortunate than us improve their life. Thank you. Diolch yn fawr.
This week's activities
Wednesday 16th, Thursday 17th July

I have informed the LEA of my intention to close the school for children on health and safety grounds on Wednesday and Thursday. I cannot guarantee safety if any unforeseen circumstances occur. In addition Staff PPA, early years supervision, clerical support and lunchtime supervision will be disrupted and safety to and from school will be compromised. I have not taken this decision lightly and it is one that has been taken in consultation with my Chair of Governors. I apologise for any inconvenience
Friday 18th July
Children are not required to wear school uniform today. We will have our final assembly of the year. During the morning year 6 children will swap presents, sign shirts and bid farewell to Gelli Primary. We wish them well in the future and hope that they continue to be successful in Treorchy Comprehensive School next year.
School will close at 1.15 p.m. for the summer vacation.
Next year staff will be involved in training on Monday September 1st.
Monday, July 7, 2008
PTA Summer Fete Raffle Prize Winners
£50 Vouchers Pink 341-345 Megan Hughes (Nursery)
£20 Vouchers Green 366-370 Kay
Meal @ Railway Pink 916-920 Dylan (Nursery)
Meal @ Red Cow Pink 16-20 Anne Marie
Hair Voucher Pink 91-95 Julia Carter
Vodka Green 491-495 Miss Hatch
Smirnoff Ice Pink 356-360 Todd (Year 3)
Cava Green 506-510 Marc Hughes
J P Chenet Yellow 476-480 Mandy
Babycham Yellow 461-465 Aleisha Fisher
Kir Royale White 31-35 Brian
Wine White 71-75 Paul Gough
Faber Pink 466-470 Gareth Hawkins
Lambrini Yellow 214-245 Tracey Lewis
Mug Tree Green 431-435 Aunty Pat
Mug Tree Green 56-60 Josh Griffiths
Bubbles Pink 326-330 Lynda (Lollipop Lady)
Radio Yellow 111-115 Janet
Radio Pink 886-890 Dylan (Nursery)
Candle set Yellow 471-475 Mandy
Photo frame & clock Green 396-400 Megan Thomas (Year 2)
Photo frame Pink 411-415 Andrew Fredericks
Bath Salts Green 386-390 Carol
Wash box Pink 111-115 Joel (year 3)
Mints Green 441-445 Katrina
Water Pistol Green 116-120 Keelan Davies (Year 2)
Meal @ Curlys Pink 81-85 Gavin Saunders
Car Blanket Green 126-130 Lilly May
Jewellry Tree Green 141-145 Ann Williams (Carys Year 1)
Wine Yellow 436-440 Leah & Luke
Other Prize Winners
Name the Rocking Horse (Abby) Bethany Meredith
Name the Bear (Banjo) Daniel (Year 6)
Number of Sweets (476) Keelan Davies
Weight of Cake (3lb 6oz) Bradley Kelly
Please will all raffle winners collect their prizes from the school.
Thank you for your generosity.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Weather fails to dampen Gelli PTA Fete

There was also an evening gig at the Railway Inn where proceeds were donated to the PTA funds. The organising committee (led this year by Mrs. Becky Sims) would like to thank all parents and friends who donated items to the fete and everybody who attended and gave so generously to the cause. The PTA have over numerous years contributed resources to the school such as a Plasma screen for nursery, reading materials to augment the school library and always provide gifts for the children at Easter and Christmas. Thank you very much. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Gelli Primary Hockey Squad Achieve National Recognition

Having qualified through the two regional tournaments, we were up against the other BEST nine teams from regions around Wales who had also qualified through winning their regional events. The ten teams were divided into two pools of five and would play in a round robin format. Each team would play four games with the top two teams in each pool qualifying for semi and final play offs. We were drawn against schools from Sychdyn and Pen y Bryn from Mold, Nantymoel representing Bridgend and Llancarfan representing the Vale of Glamorgan.
This was a huge step in class for our players. Many of the opposition players represent hockey clubs in their villages and some play representative level for their county.
Our first match was against Sychdyn. We lost 1 – 0. The opposition were more physical than us and pressed our defence into making several high class saves. Ceri in goal led the defence with some class saves and long clearances. This was a close match with nothing between the teams. Sychdyn’s superior experience was probably the deciding factor in their victory. Our team did themselves proud.
In our next match we were drawn against pre tournament favourites, Pen y Bryn. In their first match they had won 3 – 0 and looked ominously efficient. Again, Ceri in goal led the defence who kept the sharp Pen y Bryn offence at bay. After two minutes they scored. Our defence held them out right until the final minute when Ceri was beaten by a stinging shot which would have beaten any goal minder in the tournament. Despite playing well, again we lost narrowly to a team that would top the group.
After a short break (where Mrs. Date did a little coaching of her own, as you can see from our short video)
we played our penultimate match against Nantymoel. For a vast majority of the match we pressed their goal and were unfortunate to hit the post. This time Ceri and the defence hardly needed to make a save. The game ended goalless with both teams earning a point each. However, we felt that we were the better team and deserved to have won the game.
Our last game was against Llancarfan. Super coach Miss Hatch decided that the children needed a bit of an incentive and told the children that if we scored Mr. Jones would buy them a MacDonald’s as a treat. Enough said. We spent most of the game on the attack and after a through ball from midfield which split the defence Ashley raced through and slipped the ball past their keeper. GOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL for GELLI
Mr. Jones was so pleased that he stopped filming the game and followed the play. You can see Ashley and the other players celebrating, but not the goal. (Let’s remember to bring a better cameraman with us the next time.)
We had finally won. The players celebrated as if they had won the tournament.
After all the games had been played we looked at the board and we had come in eighth place on goal difference, so we are the EIGHTH BEST HOCKEY TEAM IN WALES, some achievement. The squad have come a long way in a short time. We have a young squad with Ethan in Year 3, Jenna in Year 4, Bradley in Year 5 as a basis for a strong squad in the future. Coach Hatch can also be very proud of their accomplishments and with super supporters Mrs. Date and Mrs. Dunning (who helped transport the pupils to the earlier rounds) the future is bright.
The squad also looked very smart in their new kit (sponsored by NRG). Thank you very much Mr. Gimson for your kind donation.
The whole day was a fantastic experience for all who participated. A special thanks to Mrs. Hatch (or Mummy Hatch as she will now be known from henceforth) for driving the mini bus so skilfully.
This was a tremendous achievement by our pupils and coaching staff. They represented the school and our area with dignity. It was very pleasing to hear that Miss Hatch received several glowing comment not only about their play but also about their sportsmanship. WELL DONE GELLI.
Further articles (including Mr. Jones' videos) will appear on the PESS page on the school website soon.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Science investigation in Year 2

The other children are walking around the school to see what appliances need electricity to work. Others are seeing what appliances work with batteries and which need mains electricity. Well done girls.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
A Reminder from the PTA

onwards, but the later the better as we have limited storage in school.
We will be very pleased to receive donations for the following stalls –
TOYS & GAMES , TINS & BOTTLES, BOOKS RAFFLE PRIZES , VIDEOS, DVD’s & CD’s (Only 1st generation disks please. We cannot sell illegal copies) and CAKES
The Summer School fete will be held in the school grounds on Saturday 5th July to
start at 11.00 a.m.
The school will be open at 9.00 a.m. for all parents and friends who are responsible
for running stalls to begin to set up either in the yard area or indoors if wet.
A Big Thank You from Nursery

Thank you to the staff at Futureglaze fror their kind donation.
Gelli School join Teddy Bear's for Picnic in the Park
New Kit Sponsorship Deal Announced

Monday, June 30, 2008
Changes to some end of term arrangements
The INFANT SPORTS AFTERNOON will now take place on FRIDAY 11th July.
The INFANT CONCERT to celebrate Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Dunn's retirement will now take place on Tuesday afternoon July 15th at 1.30 p.m.
Further details will be posted here and sent home by pupil post.
Advanced news of possible strike action

You may have read in the press that UNISON are proposing to take strike action on WEDNESDAY 16th & THURSDAY 17th July. I will inform parents of any disruption to school as soon as I have any information. This will be available by pupil post and in electronic form on the blog and on the website.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Welcome to Gelli Primary School

The staff divided into two teams, one led by Mr. Jones, the other by Mrs. O'Gorman. They systematically went through a model self evaluation questionnaire constructed by the Atlantes Inspection team to evaluate the school's current eprformance against the seven key questions which ESTYN use to inspect schools. Thanks to all staff members who were involved.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
PTA Summer Fete Newsletter
School Closure for Staff Training
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Appointment announcement
This week's news June 23rd - 27th
Head teacher Awards for Week 16th – 20th June 2008
The following children were awarded Head teacher’s awards this week.
Nursery- Amelia Roberts and Cameron Stephens
Reception – Rhydian Sparrow and Ashleigh Gealy
Year 1 – Fynley Jones and Elise Jones
Year 2 – Charley Williams and Danielle Carmichael
Year 3 – Georgia Coombes and Connor Perkins
Year 4 – Rebecca Stoddart and Jack Lewis Davies
Year 5 – Jack Palmer and Holly Jones
Year 6 – Josef Macey and Megan Atkin
Llongyfarchiadau bawb.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
RCT Hockey Champs Link
Monday, June 16, 2008
Fruit Tuck Shop begins free tasting
Our FREE Fruit Tasting session has been a great success and we will launch the initiative on WEDNESDAY during morning break. Fruit portions will be sold at 20p each. The Shop will be run from the doorway into the Canteen and children will come on a "first come, first served basis." If it is wet the children will come into the hall via the main enterance. We will keep you informed of this initiative via the blog and newsletters. Just to clarify that this initiative is for children in Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Children in Nursery and Reception are already provided with snack.
Jump Rope for Heart Sponsorship

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Head teacher Awards for Friday 13th June 2008

Nursery- Alfie Dunning and Jamie Davies
Reception – Yazmin Rogers and Solomon Thomas
Year 1 – Nimah Old and Jo Orells
Year 2 – Callum Lewis and Megan Thomas
Year 3 – Callum Wilson and Josh Davies
Year 4 – Ethan Derrick and Jenna Jones
Year 5 – Kelsea and Kirtsy Eddy
Year 6 – Anna Evans and Kurt Macey
Llongyfarchiadau bawb.
Mrs. Lee announces her retirement

Newsletter 11 for Friday 13th June
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Year 3 visit Glyncornel Archery Centre
Year Three visited the archery centre at Glyncornel on Thursday 12th June with Miss Carly as part of the PESS partnership and Dragon Sports.
This video can also be seen on the PESS page of the school website.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Gelli Cricket Team gain respectable third place in Miskin Mannor Competition

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Head teacher Awards Friday 6th June 2008

Nursery- Sam Jones and Rosie Exell
Reception – Emily Street, Jacob Jones, Sebastian Adams and Thomas Davies (For starting a new class)
Year 1 – Logan Saunders and Josh Wigley
Year 2 – The whole class
Year 3 – Joel Smart and Kadie Lane
Year 4 – Daniel Jones and Sophie Thomas
Year 5 – Bradley Powell and Jonah Cannon
Year 6 – Josh Wilson and Josh Jones
Llongyfarchiadau bawb.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Playground Art
Take a look at how one of Focus week's projects has made Gelli Primary School even more attractive.
Head teacher Awards for May 23rd 2008

Nursery- Keesha Lewis and Ellie Jones
Reception – Thomas Edwards and Tiona Bromwell
Year 1 – Lauryn Sharpin and Emmie Jones
Year 2 – Nisha Evans and Ethan Lane
Year 3 – Callum Wilson and Abigail Maggs
Year 4 – Ceiran Mathews and Chloe Joyce
Year 5 – Kirsty Eddy and Alarna Sharpin
Year 6 – Kurt Macey and Anna Evans
Llongyfarchiadau bawb.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Our Hockey Squad Triumph in RCT Tournament
During Focus Week Miss Hatch and Mrs. Date took our Hockey squad to compete in the RCT Hockey tournament. Look at the PESS page on the school website to read the full report.
Gelli Primary Staff vote for school uniform

Newsletter 9 for Summer Term
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Gelli Primary Pupils Win Awards At Ystrad Rugby Club Presentation

Well done boys.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thursday - Focus Week's Big Day
The Junior Wet'n'Wild outdoor events trip was fantastic DESPITE the weather.
Reception went up to see if their flower shop in class was as good as the one in Gelli.
The Infants had a picnic in the hall. Hey..... don't let me tell you click on the videos to see.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Someone remembered Mr. Jones during Focus Week

Thank you Connor.
Gelli Primary Win Sports Hall Athletics Heats
Here is a video of the children’s accomplishments today.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Focus Week - What happened on Tuesday

Year 5 looked after the Jump Rope for Heart activities. Great practice for their play leader roles, thank you very much children.
Year 4 worked with Groundwork and designed some fruit salads. Year 3 tasted fruit, undertook some science activities and took part in the Jump Rope Sponsored Skip.
Year 2 and 1 decorated their friendship stops, skipped and worked with Groundwork. Nursery and Reception completed their murals, visited Donald's to buy bedding plants and planted them, then Mrs. Davies persuaded Mr. Jones the caretaker to construct a camoflage shelter in the garden.
Thank you to Hywel and Rachel from Groundwork for their assistance today.
Come back tomorrow to see what happens then.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Newsletter 6 & 7 Summer Term
In addition the Focus week page has timetables of all events planned for the week and information regarding what is required when during this week.
Focus Week - What happened on Monday

May 12th - 16th 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Parents, Teacher and Friends Association Meeting

Focus Week - 12th - 16th May 2008

On the classroom page you can see updates of the various activities undertaken by each class. On the class pages you will see the timetables for each activity that each class will undertake each day, any specific requirements needed, packed lunch, clothing etc.
May I take this opportunity to thank the staff for their work in preparation for what will be a fantastic week where your children will benefit from an alternative curriculum which will be both educational and fun in the process.
Please post any comments here during the week.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Year 3 trip to St Fagans May 19th 2008

As part of their History topic ‘The life of the Celts’ they have decided to visit St Fagan’s Celtic Village on
Monday 19th May. The cost of the bus is £3.00, which needs to be returned with a permission slip if you would like your child to join us on the visit.
A packed lunch will be needed on the day and the children will return back to school before the end of the day.
During the trip children will be taking part in a variety of activities and workshops so it is recommended children bring the following:
• Appropriate weather clothing
• Suitable footwear, such as wellies as it can be muddy in the Celtic Village
• Rubber gloves in order to take part in the wattle and daub activity.
The children will also have the opportunity to spin a woollen bracelet for themselves.
You can download this letter by clicking this link to the Year 3 page. After their visit they will display some of the activities they have undertaken on this visit. Check back.